Affectionately known as Tot Lot, Cambridgeport Children’s Center is a nurturing and inclusive early childhood education center based on a Reggio-inspired philosophy that values diversity and respect.
Our Pillars
Understanding, embracing, and celebrating diversity
Engaging in authentic and transparent communication
Building community and meaningful connections with each other
Evolve & Learn
Committing ourselves to being an aware and evolving community of learners
Tot Lot Vibe
Keeping the spirit, essence and unique vibe of Tot Lot alive
Our Program
Our program philosophy is based on child-centered learning within a stimulating environment that supports children learning through play and exploration. It is Reggio Emilia inspired and strives to continuously reflect and learn as a community. The program values and respects children as the center of their learning, the family as the child’s first teacher, and the environment as the child’s third teacher.
Hours of Operation
8:00am - 5:30pm Monday - Friday
Toddler Classroom
Ages 15 months through 2 years and 9 months
4 Teachers - 9 Children
Preschool Classroom
Ages 2 years and 9 months through Kindergarten
5 Teachers - 20 Children

“We challenge ourselves to stay true to our pillars, our view of the child as the center of their learning, and our commitment to ongoing improvement that reflects the needs of the community we serve.”
— Carolyn Canina, Executive Director