50 Years of Love and Learning

Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence at Cambridgeport Children’s Center

Join us Saturday, September 13th, from 3:00pm-7:00pm for our Block Party Celebrating 50 Years of Tot Lot!

Save the Date

Help us celebrate!

  • Join the Alumni List to stay informed!

  • RSVP: Tell us you’re coming, and we’ll be sure to send a reminder email with all the details!

  • Want to contribute to our 50th Anniversary Memory Book? Find the instructions here

  • Can’t join us? Consider making a donation.

  • Interested in volunteering for the event? Email Carolyn.

  • Event Sponsorship: Interested in sponsoring the event? Learn more here.

  • Donate to our Silent Auction: Have an item you can donate to our Silent Auction? Please email Carolyn.

Event Sponsorship

This September, we are celebrating our 50th Anniversary and are seeking sponsors to help us celebrate this community.

When you support Tot Lot, you help sustain a unique cooperative model that embraces the spirit and essence of our vibrant community. Your contribution ensures that our Reggio-inspired programs continue to evolve, fostering a dynamic space where children, families, and educators learn, grow, and thrive together.

See our full Sponsorship Menu here.

Become a Sponsor: Please contact Carolyn Canina Carolyn@totlot.org

Add to our Memory Book!

We are also creating a memory book and enhancements to our website to capture the heart of Tot Lot’s first fifty years (1975–2025), and we need your help to make it truly special. Your stories, memories, photos, and mementos are the threads that weave our community’s rich history. Do you have something to share?

Here is what we are looking for:

●    Photos: Images of Tot Lot classrooms, community events, or special moments.
●    Mementos: Documents, newsletters, artwork, or any other memorabilia from your Tot Lot days.
●    Memories: Written reflections or audio/video stories about your and or your child’s experiences and what makes Tot Lot special.
●    Student artifacts: Picture or video created by a Tot Lot alumni or current student.

Here is how you can contribute your originals or scanned/digital versions:

  1. Upload to our 50th Anniversary Folder. Please label your files or folders with your name, Tot Lot year and contact information (email or phone number).

  2. Email your contributions: Send photos, videos or stories to: carolyn@totlot.org

  3. Mail physical items: Send items to:
    Tot Lot Memory Book Team
    65R Chestnut Street
    Cambridge, MA 02139
    Include a return address so we can safely return your items after scanning.

If you are looking for a little more guidance or help documenting your memories please contact us directly: Email us at carolyn@totlot.org, and we will collaborate with you to capture your memories.

Our Pillars

  • Diversity

    Understanding, embracing, and celebrating diversity

  • Communication

    Engaging in authentic and transparent communication

  • Community

    Building community and meaningful connections with each other

  • Evolve & Learn

    Committing ourselves to being an aware and evolving community of learners

  • Tot Lot Vibe

    Keeping the spirit, essence and unique vibe of Tot Lot alive


“We challenge ourselves to stay true to our pillars, our view of the child as the center of their learning, and our commitment to ongoing improvement that reflects the needs of the community we serve.”

— Carolyn Canina, Executive Director